Superfoods for Better Immunity and Slow Down Aging

Anti-Aging-Super-FoodNo special diet can make you younger or stop you from aging. We all know we have to age one day, but how and what we eat makes a huge difference in how healthy we are going to be on the journey, and how long it will take. But there is a crop of food and herbs that medical experts believe can improve vitality and extend life. These foods that are nutrient rich superfood, in conjunction with living a healthy lifestyle, can delay or ward off age-related aches, pains and diseases.

But if you still eat fast food regularly, adding a berry or few leaves of spinach to your diet won’t make much difference. Along with a plant-based nutrient rich superfood eating style, we recommend avoiding foods that accelerate the downside of aging, including sugar, salt, oil and saturated fats.

Experts agree that it’s never too late to eat to ward off the diseases associated with aging. Begin taking baby steps, slowly replacing age-accelerating nutrient poor foods with those that slow down aging and fight disease. The way you eat is the foundation for better health, a longer lifespan. Nutrient rich Superfoods have the power to heal and change lives at any time in our lives. And that’s why we recommend a 90-10 balance, with the bulk being nutrient rich superfoods and the remaining “anything you want to eat.” The reason being few of us can eat right all the time, but if you eat right most of the time, you will have an edge, protecting your heart, brain, eyes and joints against the diseases associated with aging.

Said that won’t adding superfoods to your life be worth it, because who doesn’t want to look younger. Just consider the size of the U.S. market for anti-aging products — a whopping $80 billion. But now you can find your way to a younger, healthier you just by visiting the grocery store. What’s even better? You can get a double anti-aging dose by enjoying these powerful superfood pairs below. Here are some of superfood combos for Better immunity and slow down aging.Have your own ideas? Let us know in comments

Fresh vegetable

COMBINATION: Red Bell Peppers and Black Beans

PROVIDES: Better Immunity

They look good at the veggie market and are expensive. But here’s a good reason to buy them. You’ll absorb more immune-boosting plant iron by adding in some red bell peppers on your plate. Iron in black beans is hard for the body to absorb, however, adding a dose of Vitamin C-rich produce like red peppers converts the iron into a type that’s easier for the body to use. Red peppers are also heavily laced with pesticides so opt for either green house or organic peppers.

DO IT RIGHT: There are great recipes online that show you how to mix your beans with red bell peppers and make the meal a tasty one too.


COMBINATION: Broccoli and Tomatoes

PROVIDES: Protection against cancer

Both are individually known to have cancer-fighting properties, but research has shown that together they are the Hulk of cancer fighting foods. Scientists found consuming tomato and broccoli at the same time was more effective at slowing the growth of cancerous prostate tumors than eating either vegetable alone.

DO IT RIGHT: Have one-and-a-half cups of broccoli along with two and-a-half cups of fresh tomato.


COMBINATION: Garlic and Onions

PROVIDES: Full-body protection

Both these veggies contain a number of organosulfur compounds and heart-healthy plant chemicals that help keep arteries free of plaque. Some of these compounds have even been studied for their power to detoxify carcinogens in the body.

DO IT RIGHT: Most Indian cooking combines the two, however if you are in the mood for something else, the combination works well for soups and sauces.


COMBINATION: Pink Grapefruit and Avocado

PROVIDES: Cell protection

Grapefruits are great on their own: They’re rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that’s been shown to reduce inflammation and prevent cell damage. But when you pair grapefruit with avocado, the avocado’s healthy fats actually help increase lycopene absorption, making it more available for your body to use.

DO IT RIGHT; Try eating the grapefruit and avocado combo 1-2 times a week, using about half of each. Incorporate them into your meals by cooking citrus-glazed shrimp tacos with avocado and grapefruit for a zesty, creamy treat, or simply toss them together in a salad.


COMBINATION: Kiwi and green leafy vegetables

PROVIDES: Neutralizes free radicals.

Try green leafy vegetables to hydrate your skin and help diminish wrinkles. And kiwi is good because it neutralizes free radicals associated with cancer and heart disease. It also boasts more potassium than a banana and more vitamin C than an orange, meaning kiwi is also good for your skin.


COMBINATION: Carrots and broccoli


Just a one cup of broccoli a day can make you feel energized while also boosting your immune system. Why? Because broccoli contains more than 2/3 of the daily recommended dose of vitamin C. For their part, carrots may protect against skin cancer while also packing a lot of beta-carotene, which not only helps with skin-cell renewal, but acts as a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are great for getting rid of free radicals that can make your skin age faster.


COMBINATION: Green Tea and Black Pepper

PROVIDES: A slimmer waistline

Forget crash dieting. After your next meal sip a cup of green tea with a little black pepper thrown in. The combination boosts the absorption of EGCG, a key antioxidant in tea tied to calorie burning, by 130 percent. Experts say the compounds in green tea can affect the hormones that regulate hunger and fullness.

DO IT RIGHT: Studies say as little as a half-teaspoon of black pepper can increase the absorption of tea’s beneficial compounds.




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